> '*[...] Computer desktop environment [...] with a primary goal of retaining the function and form of traditional desktop computers.*'
> '*[...] Computer desktop environment [...] with a primary goal of retaining the function and form of traditional desktop computers.*'
5. **[Mumble](https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Donate)** - (***Bitcoin only, unverified donation page***) Questionable if financial support is required; it's already performant, relatively popular, and the donation page isn't present on the primary web page.
5. **[Uguu](https://uguu.se/)** - (***Bitcoin, Ethereum***) Libre temporary file hosting software and web site, use this instead of Catbox's 'Litterbox' service.
6. **[Lain.la](https://infrablog.lain.la/funding-for-ideas-short)** - (***Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Monero***) Principally popular for its permanent file hosting service, it is a libre [Pomf clone](https://pomf.lain.la/) which you should use instead of Catbox. Lain.la also provides [numerous other services](https://infrablog.lain.la/services-roster).
7. **[Mumble](https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Donate)** - (***Bitcoin only, unverified donation page***) Questionable if financial support is required; it's already performant, relatively popular, and the donation page isn't present on the primary web page.