2. Graphical W.W.W. browser: `dillo` - also for viewing images -, `arachne` seems to have problems to connect to the Internet;
2. Graphical W.W.W. browser: `dillo` - also for viewing images -, `arachne` seems to have problems to connect to the Internet;
3. mTCP contains [IRCjr](https://www.brutman.com/mTCP/IRCjr.html) to chat on IRC networks - [read the user documentation](https://www.brutman.com/mTCP/) for more information;
3. mTCP contains [IRCjr](https://www.brutman.com/mTCP/IRCjr.html) to chat on IRC networks - [read the user documentation](https://www.brutman.com/mTCP/) for more information;
4. For text: `mined`, `pico` is said to be libre but does not seem to be, also `edit` is pre-installed and is fine;
4. For text: `mined`, `pico` is said to be libre but does not seem to be, also `edit` is pre-installed and is fine;