(NOT FINISHED YET) Installation script for Apache, MariaDB, and PHP using pkgin, primarily for NetBSD.
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75 lines
2.1 KiB

# WTFPL version 2 shell script which installs Apache,
# MariaDB, and PHP using pkgin, primarily for NetBSD.
# Additional information:
# <https://wiki.netbsd.org/pkgsrc/how_to_install_a_lamp_server/>
echo ">Apache-MariaDB-PHP installer for NetBSD<"
echo "Welcome to this A.M.P. script for NetBSD!"
echo "Please note - this script is using pkgin."
echo "This script requires elevated privileges."
#[DEBUG - disabled for dev.]
#if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
# echo "[FAIL] Insufficient privileges - exiting."
# exit 1
echo "[INFO] You have the necessary privileges."
echo "[INFO] Commencing installation procedure."
# Apache
if [ -z "$(pkg_info | grep apache)" ]; then
echo "[INFO] Apache isn't present - installing."
pkgin install apache -y
echo "[CONF] Loc. /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd.conf"
echo "[INFO] Viewing the config. in: 5 seconds."
sleep 5
less /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/apache /etc/rc.d
echo "[INFO] Apache's auto-start script copied."
echo "[INFO] The installation is now completed!"
# MariaDB
read -p "[WARN] Permission - install MariaDB? Y/N " yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) echo "[INFO] Commencing MariaDB's installation."
pkgin install mariadb-server -y
/usr/bin/printf "[WARN] THE REST OF THE INSTALLATION IS NOT\nIMPLEMENTED YET, PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION:\nhttps://wiki.netbsd.org/pkgsrc/how_to_install_a_lamp_server/\n" ;;
[Nn]* ) echo "[INFO] Installation stage 2: now skipped." ;;
* ) echo "[FAIL] Invalid response - considering no." ;;
read -p "[WARN] Please confirm - install PHP? Y/N " yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) echo "[INFO] Starting PHP's installation now..."
pkgin install php -y
/usr/bin/printf "[WARN] THE REST OF THE INSTALLATION IS NOT\nIMPLEMENTED YET, PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION:\nhttps://wiki.netbsd.org/pkgsrc/how_to_install_a_lamp_server/\n" ;;
#Install the MySQL module for PHP
[Nn]* ) echo "[INFO] Installation stage 3: now skipped." ;;
* ) echo "[FAIL] Invalid response - considering no." ;;
echo "[INFO] Installation finished - exiting..."