[![NEETBSD logo](https://git.ozymandias.work/repo-avatars/28-193828e374e683afe0c1b8e8f515ae0a "NEETBSD")](https://git.ozymandias.work/fiorile/neetbsd/src/branch/master/neetbsd.sh)
# Description
This is a NetBSD post-installation script via pkgin <https://pkgin.net/>, including...
I - **[Enlightenment](https://www.enlightenment.org/)**:
*A light, complete, and modern desktop environment.*
(Written in C - BSD 2-clause)
II - **[Firefox E.S.R.](https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/)**:
*Modern W.W.W. browser - extended support version.*
(Written in C++, JS, HTML, C, Rust, etc. - MPL 2.0)
III - **NEETBSD's neetpkg.sh**:
*Graphical package manager using X11 utilities.*
(Shell script - WTFPL-2.0)
IV - **[XFE, XFImage, XFWrite](http://roland65.free.fr/xfe/>)**:
*Respectively - file manager, image viewer, and text editor.*
(Written in C++ - GPL-2.0-or-later)
V - **[GrafX2](http://grafx2.chez.com/)**:
*Paint program for pixel art and animation.*
(Written in C and Lua - GPL-2.0-only)
... and more!
## License
Project released under the terms of the [WTFPL version 2](LICENSE).