Usage notes related to FreeDOS.
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FreeDOS notes

Usage notes related to FreeDOS.


Project released under the terms of the WTFPL version 2.


1. Software package manager: FDIMPLES[1];
2. Graphical W.W.W. browser: Dillo - also for viewing images -, Arachne seems to have problems to connect to the Internet;
3. mTCP contains IRCjr[2] to chat on IRC networks - read the user documentation[3] for more information;
4. For text: MinEd, pico  is said to be libre but does not seem to be, also edit is pre-installed and is fine;
5. For viewing text: pg seems superior to the pre-installed less, which feels strange to use;
6. The graphical shells for FreeDOS are a bit too simple;
7. Didn't try it but there is MPlayer for viewing videos;
8. Didn't try it but there is OHRRPGCE for creating RPGs;
9. Haven't found a good image manipulation program;
10. Haven't tried FreeDOS on real hardware.
